This report probably confirms the fears of many employers. The Government is yet to draft legislation, so we’re a long way off knowing what we’re really dealing with here.However, it seems certain th...
Read MoreIn (Wendco NZ Ltd v Labour Inspector of MBIE [2017] NZERA Christchurch 199), the Employment Relations Authority (“Authority”) considered the question of how to assess an otherwise working day (“OWD”),...
Read MoreThe key issue of Fair Pay Agreements remains, but the government has already backed off by saying there will only be two of these before the next Election.
Read MoreThe Employment Relations (Triangular Employment) Amendment Bill has come back from Select Committee, with all provisions relating to joining collective agreements being removed. This has essentially ...
Read MoreThe government backed off on some key proposals in its flagship Bill, notably allowing employers to opt out of multi-employer collective bargaining; and softening other aspects, such as limiting union...
Read MoreThe government stayed true to its policy position by announcing that the rate will increase to $17.70/hour on 1 April. We expected that level of increase because it reflects a “straight line” approa...
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